Friday, August 22, 2008

The Power of Social Media for Non-Profits

Beth Kanter, author of the appropriately-named "Beth's Blog," presented today at Gnomedex. She spoke about how non-profits can use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs and the like to raise funds and spread the word.

One particular aspect of her talk was about a commitment she and her family (her husband and two adopted children) made two years ago to sponsor Leng Sopharath (picture), a young woman from Cambodia, for her college education through the Sharing Foundation's education program. Leng is an orphan who grew up in the same orphanage as Beth's daughter. Without the Sharing Foundation's college education program, she would not be able to make a better life for herself.

So at today's Gnomedex, she challenged the 250 attendees to donate $10 to help with Leng's college tuition. Using PayPal through Twitter and the good ole hat passing at the conference, Beth raised $3700!

This is a great example of the power of social media and networking. Congrats, Beth and Leng!

- Dean

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